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Discourse Rules

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:42 am
by miles
The battle of minds... The battle of wits... Everything is a battle in the arena of minds. Where the strength of your fight is only reliant upon the intellectual honesty and scientific truth of your argument
Welcome to the discourse dome. This place is not for the weak-willed or dishonest debaters. This is where thinkers and dreamers can pitch their opinions in the marketplace of ideas and fight arm and arm until the bitter end.


1. If you have lost the debate, take it with honor.

2. Logical Fallacies are HIGHLY looked down upon. Study the force well, young Padawan, you will need it... (-- Star Wars)

3. No bad faith or concern trolling. If you want to change people's minds on a topic, you have to consider every logically valid counter-argument. If someone is ignoring counter-arguments and/or employing dishonest debate tactics, they have lost the debate.

4. If you pitch a hypothetical to argue against a point, the hypothetical has to be within the realm of possibility and relevant to the debate. Examples: "But what if you were the last human on earth; what if aliens actually built the pyramids"

5. Devil's advocate arguments are allowed as long as you are honest about it. You can't back out of a claim by saying "I was just being devil's advocate", just say outright if you want to try arguing an opposing point.

6. No name-calling, snarky comments, or being annoying or an asshole. This is technically covered by rule 2 ("Ad Hominem") but just to make it clear.