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Steak tries to learn Japanese

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 6:37 am
by Steakinthedaylight
I want to be able to read and possibly translate doujins and games for other people. Plus it would help to have this skill for like, jobs and stuff. I have started with hiragana and katakana ;still unsure if I should do 1 at a time or not. I have at least been able to pick it apart from kanji, but I am working on memorizing the symbols actually. I will put pictures of my journal tomorrow/later. Trying to practice everyday.

Re: Steak tries to learn Japanese

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 11:53 am
by Steakinthedaylight
Last time I made the chart was on the 26th. That time I made note of which ones were really similar. I also tried writing my name, not sure how successful that was.

Re: Steak tries to learn Japanese

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 1:02 am
by miles
Good luck!! Unfortunately if you link discord images off discord they disappear after a few days so I can't see it. I learned the kana a while ago, and have been slowly learning kanji+grammar through different methods over time, though I haven't taken it seriously for long enough to be fluent. I actually have the same goal, I would love to be able to go through the translation_request tag on e621 and wipe a bunch of submissions at a time. It is fun to go through a submission and figure out every kanji. Even though I don't retain most of the kanji I look up, the repetition helps.

here's my resources if you're interested:
JP Resources wall of text
Jisho, a very good jp/en dictionary
Anki flashcards are very nice, it doesn't punish you for getting anything wrong like duolingo, it pretty much is just a bunch of flashcards. There are a bunch of japanese flashcard packs for people at different levels of knowledge. I use this one for grammar and vocabulary, and here are some other decks that seem to be rated well that go over hiragana, katakana, and basics.

I use Google Translate for it's powerful handwriting-to-text tool (pen icon in the bottom right of the input box). Looking up kanji by its radicals is very difficult if you aren't already familiar with them, since a lot look the same or can look different in different kanji. Or sometimes a kanji have 2 radicals that looks like 1 radical. Google's handwriting tool is very good at figuring out what kanji you're trying to draw even if you draw it very poorly and in the wrong stroke order. Machine translation often gives incredibly terrible translations for casual language so I avoid using it for that

Translated Japanese e621 posts: The quality of the translation varies with these. It is against the rules to just post a machine translation, and there is a barrier of entry to post translation notes so it's usually pretty accurate.
Untranslated Japanese e621 posts

がんばって、ステーキ! [ganbatte, suteeki!] (good luck, steak!)

Re: Steak tries to learn Japanese

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 3:27 am
by Steakinthedaylight
Thank you for the resources! I think the e6 tag will be good for reading practice later, and I actually have Anki all set up. It's so great that there's a lot of free resources out there.

I changed the image link to a drive link, that should stay up as long as I keep it.

Re: Steak tries to learn Japanese

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 12:58 am
by Steakinthedaylight
Took a little break for a few months but now I am back to learning the kana. It's kind of daunting honestly. I don't have the best memory and there's a lot of characters, but there's also a ton of resources so I think I can do it. I am currently following The Moe Way guide, which focuses on immersion as a way to get used to the language.

Re: Steak tries to learn Japanese

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 11:33 pm
by Steakinthedaylight
Practice with the first 5 rows of hiragana. Tomorrow I will do the rest, and start quizzing with all of them.
Using this video, whoch also has some words:

And this quiz to grind: ... index.html