Posted: Wed May 08, 2024 2:38 am
I'm not sure if this is the proper spot for the good ol' introduction topic but yknow what I'm doing it anyway. hi I'm eblu and I'm a phpbb veteran, someone who has a vague idea of what he's doing, and also sex repulsed due to reasons so you're not going to catch me in any nsfw threads. also someone who is a big scolipede fan just, genuinely. and bugs in general I like those "<O,,,>
I like forums and have always pined for them to come back as someone who misses smaller, tight-knit communities. being able to just maintain a topic at its own pace and not have to bargain with the volatility of the rapid-fire chatrooms that have taken over is super ideal for me and it's a shame to see that people have moved on! I'll probably stick around even if things slow down.
uhh I don't have anything else to say. hi again I guess
I like forums and have always pined for them to come back as someone who misses smaller, tight-knit communities. being able to just maintain a topic at its own pace and not have to bargain with the volatility of the rapid-fire chatrooms that have taken over is super ideal for me and it's a shame to see that people have moved on! I'll probably stick around even if things slow down.
uhh I don't have anything else to say. hi again I guess