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Global Rules, Philosophy, And Goals

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:28 am
by miles
"When your in the den... your in the dark. With Friends."


These are required to be followed on every board, unless the board's rules contradicts them.
Cyan rules are hard rules and will result in a warning/ban if not followed.
Yellow rules are abstract rules and are more of an encouragement to post better. If someone's posting quality is consistently terrible, they will receive positive encouragement to do better rather than a warning.
  • Do not be an Asshole

    Asshole behavior includes:
    -Vitriolic attacks on other users
    -Being bigoted
    -Being bigoted in a sneaky 4chan shitter way
    -Backseat modding
    -Refusing to follow board specific rules

    Asshole behavior is NOT: Disagreeing with someone, making a mistake, etc.

    In the end, it's up to the moderator to decide if something was bad enough to issue a warning.

  • Spoiler-tag NSFW images in SFW threads

    Threads are SFW by default everywhere, other than in NSFW boards. You can make NSFW threads in any board, however, just put "NSFW" somewhere in the thread title. Doing this will give it this badge: Image . Threads with this badge can have unspoilered NSFW images.

    Otherwise, you must place imgs inside spoiler tags. Check the BBcode help if you do not know how to do this.

    You can talk about nsfw topics in any thread, since this is a forum for adults. This rule is just for images, so people don't get jumpscared by porn.

  • Permabannable Actions

    Instantly get the permaB&hammer on your dumb ass for doing any of the following:
    -Being younger than the age of 18
    -Circumventing a ban
    -Unironically admitting to or encouraging others to commit felonies Not in Minecraft
    -Uploading or linking to material that is illegal in your country or the United States

  • Please Effortpost

    If you want to say something, please actually have something to say, don't just reply to reply. It's hard to come up with a unique reply to everything, so just remember it's okay to lurk. It's okay to make short replies, but please effortpost for your thread OPs.

  • You Are (Not) Cringe. You Are Free

    Go even further beyond the sentiment "I may be cringe, but at least I'm free". Destroy this dichotomy in your head, don't make concessions, you don't need a disclaimer. You are just free, cringe isn't real.

  • Necroposting, Double Posting, and Bumping

    The forums are still new enough that it's not really possible to necro a thread, but when it is, it will not be against the rules. (Necroing is when you post in and bump a thread that hasn't been active in a long time, and usually seen as a bad thing) If you have something to add that doesn't warrant it's own thread, necroing is fine.

    Double posting is okay as long as it isn't spammy, but please don't make "bump" posts unless you have enough to add that would be nicer as a new post. If you just want to bump to bring attention, edit your last post and use the thread bump feature instead. It will mark the thread as unread and bump it to the top of the board. (The bump option is in the wrench menu next to the Post Reply button.)


If a post breaks a rule, a moderator will issue a warning to the user. After 2 warnings for the same rule, the user will be banned for a week. If the user was previously banned, the next ban will be longer or permaban might be considered.

Warnings and bans older than 3 months are disregarded.


Forums are a dead medium to most social media injecting meth heads on the world... But they don't have to be...

As software for the internet developed over time, we went from bulletin boards on dialup to instant access to any kind of media, face to face video chat, and infinite-scroll streams of the collective consciousness on social media. Although there are a lot of upsides to this, people need to just slow the fuck down...

Social media was supposed to make communication easier, but it incentivizes quick dunks and mindless sharing over actual engaging conversation. It also contributes to warping our relationship with media. Everything flies by on the timeline, random idle thoughts, art pieces, funny videos, anything and everything is given the same amount of temporal priority. There's no spacial distinction, everything scrolls down the stream.

And since everything flies through the stream, everything ages a lot quicker. Replying to a comment someone made a few months ago is weird. Everything is too fast, you need to have the correct opinion NOW! Everyone already made their mind up about X issue, so having a discussion about it is wasting time and I can't BELIEVE you're implying you're against X by talking about it. Why are you STILL talking about X etc. etc.

So that's why we still need forums: A place that doesn't require instant responses, where people can share things that don't immediately disappear into the timeline, where coherent threads of longer discussion can happen, and that feels less claustrophobic in general.