BBCode Guide

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BBCode Guide

Post by miles »

BBCode Guide

BBCode is used on many other websites, but implementations differ across different platforms. The Den uses standard BBCode with minor modifications and additional codes.


Basic codes can be typed or inserted with the buttons above the post composer. Most of them are self explanatory but there are some that require extra inputs.

Helpful tip
: If you want to surround some text with tags, you can select the text and then click the BBCode button. It will automatically encapsulate the text.

Put the URL in the opening tag:

Code: Select all

[url=]The Mastodon Site[/url]
Result: The Mastodon Site
Unordered list:

Code: Select all

[*]List item
[*]List item
[*]List item
  • List item
  • List item
  • List item
Ordered list:

Code: Select all

[*]List item
[*]List item
[*]List item
  1. List item
  2. List item
  3. List item

You can choose to specify height, width, both, or neither.

Code: Select all

[img width=100] image-url-goes-here [/img]
[img width=100 height=20] image-url-goes-here [/img]

You can also make an image into a hyperlink by putting the img in url tags.

Code: Select all

[url=][img width=100] image-url-goes-here [/img][/url]

Custom and hidden codes:


The spoiler title is optional. If not specified, it will just say "spoiler"

Code: Select all

[spoiler=Spoiler Title]--Spoiler content--[/spoiler]
Spoiler Title
--Spoiler content--

You can embed 3d models from sketchfab:

Code: Select all

[sketchfab]---the long ID from the end of a sketchfab url goes here---[/sketchfab]
Embedding videos, tweets etc
If the URL isn't a direct link to a video/image, just insert the link into the post and it will embed it if the site is supported.

Otherwise, use [ img ] for image URLs and [ mp4 ] for video URLs. Example:

Code: Select all



- "I'm A Cyan Kinda Guy"
"Follow the rules. Or face the banhammer"
-- Webmaster Miles
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